The Myth of Motivation: Taking Action Even When You Don't Feel Like It

Battling the Lack of Motivation: Embracing the Truth

Confession time:

I have those days too.

Days when I wake up with a sinking feeling and a lack of motivation that seems insurmountable. The desire to stay in bed, indulge in leisurely activities, and avoid responsibilities becomes overwhelming.

But here I am, writing this post.

Because here's the truth: motivation is overrated.

Ditching the Myth of Motivation

I often hear people say, "I want to build an audience," or "I want to start an online business, but I just don't feel motivated enough."

And my response?

Do something else.

I'm not trying to be harsh, but after years of coaching and countless unmotivated days, I've come to realize that waiting for motivation is futile.

Today, I might "feel" unmotivated, but truthfully, most days are like that for me.

I've embraced the fact that every day is essentially the same routine: wake up, go for a walk, have coffee, and tackle the first item on my to-do list (which, incidentally, is always writing this post).

Taking Action without Relying on Motivation

The secret lies in doing without questioning motivation.

When you brush your teeth before bed, do you wonder if you feel motivated enough to do it?

Of course not.

You do it because you want to maintain dental hygiene. The same goes for cooking a meal when you're hungry. Motivation is irrelevant in those situations. You just do what needs to be done.

The Power of Internal Drive

If you find yourself constantly seeking external motivation or watching motivational videos before starting your work, it's time for a reality check.

No amount of external force can truly inspire you to escape your current situation. The desire for change must come from within.

Assessing Your Life: The Catalyst for Change

Reflect on your life and ask yourself if you are genuinely content with where you are.

If the answer is no, then it's time to make a decision.

Either accept your existing situation or take the necessary steps to change it.

It's as simple as that.

Embrace the Action-Oriented Mindset

Waiting for motivation to strike before taking action is a trap.

Motivation is fickle and unreliable. Instead, adopt an action-oriented mindset.

Focus on what needs to be done and take those steps, regardless of how you feel in the moment.

By breaking free from the myth of motivation, you empower yourself to make lasting changes and achieve your goals.

So, next time you find yourself lacking motivation, remember that you have the power to push forward, to take action, and to create the change you desire.

Don't wait for motivation to magically appear.

Just do it.

Image of a powerful lady taking up a challenge head on and looking motivated and pumped up.

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