Unleash Your Authenticity: Breaking Free from Content Templates

The Struggle of Writing: Fear and the Temptation of Templates

When I first started building an audience, I faced a major roadblock—I struggled to write.

Despite having an abundance of ideas in my mind and notebooks, I found myself at a loss for words whenever I sat down to create content. After years of grappling with this challenge, I realized the underlying reason behind my struggle: fear.

The Fear of Putting Yourself Out There

The fear of vulnerability often compels people like me to seek refuge in content templates.

You've probably come across these templates on platforms like Twitter, neatly packaged in PDFs or Notion docs. Many, including my former self, consider these templates as "training wheels" to ease the process of content creation.

The idea is to take a template, follow the format, and plug in your ideas. The end result is content that is more likely to perform well because it's based on successful pieces created by others.

Sounds practical, right?

The Pitfalls of Overreliance on Templates

However, relying too heavily on templates can weaken the brand you're trying to build.

In fact, it can have even more detrimental effects.

You may accumulate thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of followers using these templates but still struggle to establish a strong brand. It's not uncommon to find accounts with impressive follower counts that fail to generate significant revenue.

The problem lies in neglecting the crucial elements that enhance brand value:

  • Your unique voice
  • Cultivating a devoted following of true fans
  • Building a tribe or community
  • Fostering loyalty and trust
  • Generating revenue


All these aspects can only be improved when you break free from templates and infuse your writing with substance.


Embrace Content Creation as a Skill to Learn

It's time to do yourself a favor: delete those templates from your hard drive and burn them metaphorically.

Instead, recognize content creation as a skill that can be honed and mastered. Stop attempting to copy, paste, and remix content like a robot. You are far more capable than that.

As a perfectly unique individual, you possess a distinct personality, values, stories, and skill sets that can enrich the world.

You have the potential to build a remarkable business, brand, and community.

Embracing Authenticity and Personal Connection

To achieve these goals, it's essential to let go of the safety net of templates and truly put yourself out there.

Remember, it's called a personal brand for a reason—it should reflect your personal essence.

By discarding the limitations of templates, you unlock the power to express your authenticity, connect on a deeper level, and create a lasting impact.

In the end, developing your content creation skills and infusing your work with personal substance will enable you to transcend the limitations of templates. Embrace the journey of self-expression, unleash your uniqueness, and watch your brand soar to new heights. 

Never forget: You are more than a template.

Embrace your true potential.

Hope this resonates with you.

Portrait of a young lady showing her side of authenticity.

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